A Community for Kids

McKendree UMC is a community where your kids will learn about the power of God's love. They will be engaged and excited about being part of the church. Our goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where kids grow in Christ, grow in love, and grow in service to others.

The best way to keep up is to subscribe to the weekly email and check out the kids section. You won’t want to miss out!

Kids making care cards for coop food recipients.

Meet Alison

Children's Director of McKendree United Methodist Church

Alison Troyer Price, Director of Children’s Ministry

Hi! I’m Alison Troyer Price, the Director of Children’s Ministries, and I love the children of McKendree! It is a joy to get together and sing, dance, share the love of Jesus! I work alongside a wonderful team of staff and volunteers who make it possible to offer nursery care, Sunday School classes, and special events for children throughout the year. I welcome any and all questions, concerns, or ideas!

Kids on Sundays

The congregation is so encouraging that kids feel welcome leading worship elements.

Greeting the congregation and leading the announcements can be hilarious!

9:30 a.m. Worship

Birth – Kindergarten: Nursery (Room 114)
1st – 5th graders remain in the service with their families at 9:30am. Kid-friendly worship bags are in the back of the sanctuary. Don’t forget to pick up your prize when you return your bag!

McKendree Kids LEGO Club

Foundations of Faith: 10:30-11:00 a.m. (Room 317)

Our house isn’t built on sand, our feet are on the rock! All children 3 years - 5th grade are welcome to come enjoy playing with Legos, building a deeper faith foundation, and enjoying fun fellowship between services. Our foundations are being built weekly. Hope to see you there! Class is held in Rm. #317 in the Education Bldg.

Early in the worship service, we come forward for a special time with Mrs. Alison, Pastor Paula, or Pastor Cyndi

We never know what someone will say during the time for young disciples.

11:00 a.m. Worship

All ages start in worship. After a time for young disciples, they go to Sunday School classes for age appropriate lessons.

Nursery: Room 114
3 and 4 year olds (By Sept 1): Room 119
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade: Room 317
3rd-5th grade: Room 315

Kids on Wednesdays

During the school year, Wednesday night is a time for families to enjoy a night together in fellowship with friends at the church! Starting with Wednesday Night Supper at 5pm, giving parents a break from the dinner frenzy! (Nursery is available for 4's and under from 5:45-8pm.)

Wednesday evening children's choir practices prepare us to sing on Sunday mornings

The children’s choir sings in worship about once a month.

Children’s Choir

5:45 - 6:30 p.m. | 3 yrs-5th grade | room 317. This is a great place to get your child plugged in at the church and praising God! The children often participate in worship by singing special music and helping lead portions of the service.


It’s great when adults show up and share how they are serving God.

Bible Stories with Mr. Chris

6:30 - 7:00 p.m.| 3yrs – 1st grade | Room 317

Riveting stories of daring, drama, hope, and wisdom — the Bible has them all! Come and join Mr. Chris as he retells the stories of the Bible through games, drama, and group participation.

Kids Chimes

6:30 - 7:00 p.m. | 2nd – 5th grade | Room 318

Our parents might want us to play the chimes since learning to read music makes us smarter, improves hand-eye coordination, and improves social skills. But we love it because it’s FUN to make a joyful noise! And we get to serve the church by playing in worship!

Telling thank you to first responders.

We invited first responders to supper…and they invited us to check out the equipment!

Klub Serve

7:00 - 8:00 p.m. | 3yrs – 2nd grade | Room 317

Kid’s aren’t the only the church of the future, they are the church of the present! At Klub Serve we learn how people are making a difference in the community and we also find ways to join in serve. We are the hands and feet of Jesus!

Spark is a mini youth program for older elementary kids

Look for the Spark Sign in the education building!


7:00 - 8:00 p.m.| 3rd - 5th grade. | Room 315.
This “youth group” is a step-up program to other youth activities. Kids have the opportunity to get involved in fellowship, playing games, having fun, and spending time in prayer and Bible lessons. Contact Crystal Gombala for more information.

The Nursery

Nursery care is provided at both the Sunday 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services and on Wednesday evenings, 5:45 - 8:00 p.m. Be sure to arrive early to allow plenty of time to get your little one checked in and settled.

We love our littles ones, so we take their care and safety very seriously. All of our nursery staff have been screened with detailed background checks, are trained in CPR, first aid, and Safe Sanctuaries. If you have any questions contact the church office at info@mckendreeumc.org.

Other Opportunities for Kids

McKendree UMC wants to help you build a strong foundation of faith for kids. There are special moments throughout the year for growing in faith:

Learning to Use My Bible (Fall)

This Fall class is specifically for those third-grade students who recently received their first Bible from McKendree UMC. Children learn the books of the Bible, the types of literature the Bible offers and where these are found in the Bible. The curriculum includes music, crafts, games and other activities to assist students in becoming familiar with the Bible.

Faithology 24: Children's Retreat at Camp Glisson - September 23, 2024

Matthew 21:16 - "Do you hear what these children are saying," they asked him. "Yes," replied Jesus. "Have you never read?" "From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise!"

What a weekend of PRAISE our children had at the Faithology retreat up at Camp Glisson! Our young disciples learned all about having a firm foundation with Jesus as our cornerstone. Their spiritual growth during their weekend encounter with God was incredible and is further assurance that the faith of a child is truly divine.

The kids were so excited when they got back on Sunday morning, that they taught the Sunday School kids the songs they had learned over weekend!

Thank you to all the parents and chaperones who made our Faithology retreat a tremendous success! We are truly blessed at McKendree UMC!

Holy Communion is for everyone

Kids are always welcome at Holy Communion. God’s grace is for everyone.

Touch the Water, Taste the Bread (January)

Every January, 3- and 4-year-olds are invited to be part of a four-week session about baptism and communion. While children of all ages are always welcome to participate and take part in Holy Communion, they find it especially meaningful after participating in this class.

We were superheroes for the spring musical. Agape (love) is the best super power.

Spring Musical

We have a ball learning the songs and practicing our lines. There is a spot for every age in the spring musical. Afterwards, we’re proud that we did it! Rehearsals start during Wednesday choir practice in January.

Vacation Bible School

A 4-day week of fun, friendship and JESUS! Vacation Bible School (VBS) is for children who will enter PreK-4 in the fall, through rising 6th grade. Each day is full of energy! Music! Games! Snacks! And much much more. Each day is built on a simple phrase that reinforces a Bible lesson. Regular VBS for rising preK-4 through rising 4th grade, Extreme VBS is for rising 5th and 6th graders and may include some off-site activities.

Be sure to return on Sunday morning when we lead worship with some of the songs and stories we learned!

2025 VBS to be scheduled for summer 2025. Cost includes a t-shirt, snacks, music, crafts, & more.


McKendree UMC is a “Safe Sanctuaries” church. For the safety of our children and workers, each teaching volunteer must be a member or constituent for at least 6 months. In addition, all regular volunteers are required to provide references, submit to a criminal background check and attend “Safe Sanctuaries” training. Furthermore, all classrooms will have at least 2 unrelated adults at all times when children are present. To view our full Safe Sanctuary Policy click the button below.