Our Vision

As a United Methodist Church, our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. What makes us unique is how we live out this charge:

People. Doing life together. Connecting all through Christ.


Every single person matters. Period. We invite people from all walks of life and hope they recognize this community is home. We recognize that people aren’t perfect, but God meets us where we are. That means we make room—there is a place for every person! and we treat one another with grace and kindness.

Doing Life Together.

We are created to be part of community. Created in the image of God means that we are meant for relationships. God is community (Father/Son/Holy Spirit), which means we most look like God when we are part of a loving community.

Connecting All Through Christ.

Jesus makes several promises about how he is present, such as when two or three gather in his name, or when we serve the least of these. We trust that when we worship together, serve together, pray together, eat together, and do life together that God is present. That changes everything!

We are part of The United Methodist Church.

We love the way we are connected with other churches. Our children and youth attend camps and retreats at Camp Glisson. We respond to natural disasters by the conference teams and UMCOR. We help start and encourage other churches in the same way that the conference invested in us when Gwinnett County began a growth spurt.

We are training to be a lighthouse congregation. That means we are committed to remaining in the UMC and want to offer safe harbor to people who have lost their church home because of disaffiliation or closure. We commit to being a safe space with caring relationships, listening hearts, and unconditional love for those in need.

Our Values as United Methodists

The UMC is founded on a Wesleyan theology of grace, anchored in Scripture and based in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the continuing movement of the Holy Spirit.

  • We embrace the fundamentals of the Wesleyan tradition and dedicate ourselves to the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

  • We embrace a Church anchored in Scripture and a theology of grace.

  • We embrace a Church that aspires to be a more just and inclusive force in the world. 

  • We embrace the connected power of 12 million souls united, working towards good in the world.

  • We embrace a Church that has uplifted our own lives and the lives of our friends, family, and those we cherish.

  • We embrace a Church built in loving relationships rather than uniformity in thought and action.

  • We embrace a Church where everyone does not have to agree and where everyone is welcome.

Our Church Leadership

At McKendree UMC, our governing body is the Leadership Council. This group serves as our trustees, staff/parish relations committee, finance committee, and strategic planning group. To say thank you, make a suggestion, or ask a question, contact the Leadership Council through email at LeadershipCouncil@McKendreeUMC.org or by contacting a Leadership Council member directly: Steven Olds (chair), Joshua Doss, Bonnie Hunsaker, Linda Kent, Terry Lemm, Aaron Preston, Charles Russell, Serina Trueh, Chris Wilson, and Vicki Donaldson.

Non-Voting Members: Pastor Cyndi McDonald, Pastor Paula Dallas, Rev. Gail Thompson