You are invited to join our Season of Lent prayer mini retreats at McKendree UMC. Whether you have participated in prior sessions or are new to this journey, there is a place for you as we continue to explore prayer practices that deepen our connection with God and one another.
These workshops use creative and contemplative methods to engage with scripture and prayer in fresh ways. Each session will begin with a time of reflection and discussion on prayer, followed by an introduction to new practices. Some of the practices we’ll explore include:
Body prayer—a combination of gentle stretching and prayerful movements based on Psalm 23 (we did this before to the Lord's Prayer)
Walking prayer—using a simple spiral pathway as a walking meditation much like the labyrinth
Contemplative coloring, Visio Divina, Breath prayer, Ignatian contemplation, and more
Creative activities like prayer stones and mandala coloring
On March 15 we'll make prayer beads at the end of class, since several people requested to do these.
Whether you feel like prayer comes naturally or you’re looking for new ways to pray, these workshops are for you. Come as you are—ready to pray, create, reflect, or simply rest in God’s presence.
The workshops will be held on:
2 Saturdays March 8th and 15th
10:00-11:30 a.m.
Room 311 (Education Building)
Feel free to invite a friend or family member to join us. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, please email the church. We will provide a notebook for those who have RSVP’d.