Stations of the Cross - Call for Creative!
This Holy Week, help us create a powerful, interactive experience for our congregation and community through the Stations of the Cross Prayer Walk, held April 15-18. This year’s journey will reflect the passion story as told in the Gospel of Luke, inviting participants to encounter Jesus’ final hours through art, scripture, devotions, and interactive elements.
We need You to bring this prayer walk to life! You are invited to share your creativity in one or more ways:
Create Art: Art of all kinds is welcome—paintings, drawings, photography, sculptures, woodworking, fabric art (like quilts), ceramics, digital art, collages, mosaics, calligraphy, or even unconventional forms such as crafting with found objects, shadow boxes, or multimedia installations.
Write a Devotion: Devotions will accompany each station, offering scripture, reflections, and prayers to help participants grow in their faith and appreciation of Jesus’ journey to the cross.
Assist Behind the Scenes: Not an artist or writer? You can help by setting up, serving as a greeter, or helping remove art and prepare the sanctuary for Easter.
Each station will depict a moment in the passion story, such as Jesus entering Jerusalem, the Last Supper, His prayer in the garden, betrayal, trial, carrying the cross, the crucifixion, and the women finding the empty tomb.
Important Dates
Art Submission Deadline: April 2
Prayer Walk Dates: April 15-18
How to Participate
For guidance, topic suggestions, or to share your progress, contact Pastor Cyndi. Whether you’re experienced in creative arts, inspired to try something new, or just want to help out, there’s a place for you in this meaningful project. Together, we can create an experience that honors God and moves hearts this Holy Week.