Stations of the Cross
Open daily from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
In this prayerful journey, participants move from one station to the next, experiencing Jesus’ last hours with art, scripture, devotions and interactive elements. This year’s journey will reflect the passion story as told in the Gospel of Luke. Each station reflects a moment in the gospel story from Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the women going to the tomb early on Easter morning.
Easter Worship Celebrations
He has risen! He has risen indeed! Easter morning is a glorious day of worship with three services celebrating the resurrection of Jesus!
VIEW EVENT for the time and details of each service.
Good Friday Worship
A solemn and meaningful service in the Sanctuary commemorating Jesus’ crucifixion.
Stations of the Cross
Open daily from 3-7pm
In this prayerful journey, participants move from one station to the next, experiencing Jesus’ last hours with art, scripture, devotions and interactive elements. Each station reflects a moment in the gospel story from Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the women going to the tomb early on Easter morning.
Palm Procession and Easter Cantata
A glorious celebration at both 9:30 and 11 am worship services. Worship opens with children processing with palms followed by a musical journey to the cross and resurrection. Both services feature both the choir and orchestra. Learn more
Holy Week at McKendree
The resurrection of Jesus offers hope for abundant life today and eternal life tomorrow. But the journey to the cross gives a deeper appreciation for this gift. Holy Week Schedule
Daily texts from Pastor Cyndi
Get a daily text from Pastor Cyndi to encourage you in your Lenten journey. For each of the forty days, pastor Cyndi will send a text at noon. Text @McKpray to 81010.
Ash Wednesday
Experience the blessing of Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of the season of Lent.
Ashes-to-Go 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Drive-thru ashes in the McKendree UMC parking lot.
Worship service 7:00 p.m. at McKendree UMC (Childcare available) & streamed online